Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Valentine's Day, First Real Hair Cut, and First Car!

This was also Joie's first "real" hair cut. She had a bang trim just before Christmas, but it wasn't so good. Mom trimmed her bangs then, and took her to get it fixed - which also wasn't so good.

Jackie is trying to cut Joie's hair. But Joie is such a little wiggle worm, she just doesn't want to sit still. (You can see Dad in the background having Anne cut his hair.)

Jackie and Anne "posing" with thier little customers. I wonder what Joie is looking at in Jackie's ear?

Let's get a real pose, everyone - no ear inspecting.

Anne and Kim - two of my fans!

Joie's bangs are still a little crooked, but her hair cut is so cute.

Joie also got her first car - the Little Tikes 30th Anniversay Convertable Coupe.

I'm going to helpDaddy put my new car together. Let's pull it out of the box first, Dad.

Where does this go, Daddy?

I have the tires when you're ready, Dad.

Daddy went to the garage for something. Let's try out my new ride. I know it doesn't have front wheels yet. But I'm too excited to wait.

Something's missing besides the wheels.

I think I'll hide in the kitchen closet while Dad finishes my car.


Ready or not, here I come.

What's left in here?

Hey, the box is pretty fun to play with.

Yaaaawn!!! Nap time.

Mo-om, I was sleeping on my box.

We're cruising now...

We have the sippy cup, now all we need to add is the cell phone.

Climbing in through the window.

Push FASTER, Dad!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Celebrating Chinese New Year 2009

We spent Saturday evening, 2/7/2009, celebrating the year of the Ox -- the Chinese New Year.

Auntie Franny and Uncle Don, and Auntie Di and Uncle Mike helped us celebrate by joining us in Centennial, CO, for some good old fashioned family fun. We ate pizza and nachos, and drank lots of soda.

The pictures are courtesy of Auntie Di (Digital Daisy), of course.

Mom, Dad, and Joie before the fun started.

Joie playing and having fun in a jumpy castle.

Joie really wanted to ride this twirly-whip around ride. She seemed to cautiously enjoy herself. Surprisingly mom didn't get sick.

Someone needs driving lessons......

We had tons of fun. Thank you CCAI (Chinese Children Adoption International - our adoption agency) for hosting.
Love - Joie, Mom, and Dad!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Baby-Sitting Auntie Franny

Today I spent the day baby-sitting Auntie Franny. My mom dropped me off at Auntie Franny's house early in the morning, then headed off to work. We had lots of fun playing a few games and watching Elmo. I put Auntie Franny down for a nap around 10 and we slept for a couple hours. It was sure relaxing. After naps we had chicken and rice for lunch, then went for a long walk around the block.

Baby-sitting Auntie Franny sure is tiring. After walks I was ready for another nap. But then Auntie Rollie stopped by to visit. She kept us company and I taught her a new dance. My mommy finally showed up and took me home. I was so exhausted from all that baby-sitting, playing, and dancing that I fell asleep on the ride home.

I don't have any baby-sitting pictures to share from today. But I am attaching a few miscellaneous pictures just from some play day at home.

I love you.

Check out my punk doo.

Like my new hat?

I'm bored.....

Pink camo looks so good on me.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Every day is a day of firsts.

This is the first time I've ever created a blog. This blog is dedicated to the most precious, most beautiful, smartest little girl in the whole universe - Joie Tian-Tian.

Mom and Dad are slightly behind in creating a blog. (We've been home from China for seven months.) As we update this blog with current events, we will also post past events and eventually be up-to-date on Joie's Big Day.

Joie is watching one of her Elmo programs. While she's preoccupied, let me fill you in on a few of her accomplishments:

She signs - she knows her manners - Thank You, You're Welcome, and Please. She knows Bird, More, Banana, Pain. And most important, she tells mommy and daddy "I Love You!" We are all learning the alphabet now.

She knows her animal sounds - Tigers and Lions - Grrr; Cows - Mmmmoooo; Joie - Waaaahhhh!

She loves Elmo - "MOOOO!!!"

She's not too much into sweets, but she sure likes her chips and popcorn flavored rice snacks, and KETCHUP- YUM!!!

And all that ketchup means it's bathtime:

      She's also getting into that copy-cat mode. We went for a little walk a couple weeks ago down the drive-way. The dogs went with us, and Sissy was getting quite a ways ahead. I did the two-finger whistle to bring her back. Joie decided to whistle just like mom - with her fingers up to her mouth - "Whiii-Wheee!"

      She loves any song she can sing where she uses her hands - "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Down Down Baby" so far. More to learn, I'm sure.

      She also thinks the laundry basket (or any basket) is her sit-upon basket.

        Today after Sesame Street, there was a program on about Japanese Monkeys. She kept pointing to the monkeys yelling "Mama! Mama! Mama!" Hum... I wonder what she means...????

        The weather is beautiful this afternoon. So we're going to take a walk down the driveway and check the mail.

        Tata for now.