Sunday, March 15, 2009

I need some potty training tip....

We've been trying to get Joie interested in the potty. But I think we're going about it the wrong way.

She uses it more for a toy then a learning tool. She pulls it apart and stuffs it with blankets and toys.

I read on one of those parent-type magazines that it's best to put the potty in the living room so the little ones can get used to using it. But again, I think we're going about it the wrong way....

This morning Joie decided to wear the green ring around her head. I'm convinced we're going about potty training the wrong way - the ring sorta got stuck, she kinda panicked, and we had to twist and tug to get the ring off.

Help!!! I need some better suggestions.


  1. If Joie is putting things down the "potty", wait until she can get the lid open on the big girl's potty. You will have to have the plumber on speed dial. I think Auntie Franny and Uncle John will have the best advice for potty training.

  2. You will also have to teach Joie that fingers do not go between lid and container and door and jam (See picture 2). That might be a lesson she unfortunately learns the hard way.
